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A 6-week Educational Series
Beginning June 7, 2024

This virtual lecture series will be pre-recorded and distributed weekly to participants, beginning June 7. The series will cover the basics of investing, the economy, personal finance, and the role of a wealth advisor and is great for college-aged students and next-generation investors looking for a refresher on personal finance topics.

Course Syllabus for Summer 2024

June 7 Class 1: The Great Financial Crisis, The COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Lasting Effects on Our Economy….And You as an Individual

June 14 Class 2: Learn the Lingo & Basic Economics

June 21 Class 3: Econ Basics, Cont'd - Stocks, Bonds & Alternative Investments 

June 28 Class 4: Investing and the Role of the Money Manager

July 12 Class 5: Portfolio Construction & Aligning Investments with Your Values

July 19 Class 6: Personal Finance 101 - The Road to Success 


Please feel free to share this complimentary course with friends, family, or anyone you think could benefit from this educational series... the more, the merrier!